Export Tools

Introduction of TFSA

Trade Forward Southern Africa (TFSA) provides support and services to exporting and export ready businesses in SACU+M countries. Funded by the UK government, these much needed services are completely free of charge. TFSA empowers firms to tackle the main non-tariff barriers and navigate complex trade and customs challenges – through this, we strengthen local value chains and help local economies grow. Some of our key services include access to key trade information, monthly trade focused webinars and self-paced export training, with particular focus on five sectors (Aquaculture, Condiments and specialty foods, Cosmetics and natural ingredients, Fruits, nuts and vegetables, and Green technology and renewables) as well as support tailored specifically for women entrepreneurs.

TFSA work in Aquaculture

TFSA, in collaboration with its implementing partner Imani Development, develops and supports initiatives to the aquaculture sector in Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. This includes piloting the TFSA value chain support initiative by identifying and profiling standards testing facilities, preparing and distributing market compliance assessment packs to empower producers to access export markets, and developing knowledge tools on regional access to quality feed, fingerling stock, and other productive inputs. This sector-level practitioner’s insight has allowed the BSO’s to identify, formulate and deliver certified technical training to competent authorities and private sector laboratories in specialist areas, such as the identification of harmful algae and bacteria in shellfish, enhancing the capacity of industry access to quality infrastructure supporting compliance with Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) requirements.

In Mozambique, TFSA’s focus is on strengthening the domestic tilapia market as a first step in moving towards export capacity. TFSA works with leading industry association, AMAQUA, to increase its membership to reach more tilapia farmers and to provide members with an advocacy strategy and talking points aimed at developing the local feed industry. In addition, marketing and competitiveness toolkits have been developed to drive up the demand for tilapia and to increase tilapia farmers’ export capacity.

TFSA digital export training webinars

TFSA frequently hosts webinars aimed at informing export ready and near export ready companies on how to utilise various digital tools that can be accessed on the Trade and Information Hub. These Best Practice Digital Tools and Training on Export aim to increase exporters’ success and minimise their risk cost and effort. 

To stay informed on upcoming webinars and other events subscribe here.
Click the links below to view past Aquaculture related webinars showcasing global export tools
Leveraging ITC trade map and tools for export & Navigating EU markets digitally

Aquaculture webinar

Online workshop to present and discuss challenges, solutions, and a way forward to the export of farmed abalone, mussels and oysters from South Africa and Namibia to the European Union. Removing Barriers to the Export of Farmed Shellfish from South Africa and Namibia

TFSA School of Export

With content developed by the International Trade Institute of Southern Africa (ITRISA), this comprehensive export training course consists of seven foundation modules and an additional 21 modules being added monthly throughout 2022. The TFSA School of Export will give those looking to export successfully the knowledge and skills to do so with confidence. The multimedia training provides insights into the current global trading environment, the ability to assess the export readiness of your company and core knowledge about export, necessary for success in exporting www.tfsa.schoolofexport.org

Contact us

Tel: +27 63 625 8670

Email: info@aasa-aqua.co.za

We’re always looking to connect, network and inspire those passionate about Aquaculture and how we can work together to create a sustainable aquaculture industry.